15 Things to do with ONE Simple Chant
A chant is really not just a chant. It is a magical learning tool that keeps on giving.
Imagine you just had to teach one short and very simple chant but that you could teach ten clear musical activities with it.
Let’s have a look at an example.
- Chant and tap the pulse
- Chant and clap the rhythm
- Think the words in your head and clap the rhythm
- Chant and play the rhythm on un-tuned instruments
- Think the words in your head and play the rhythm on un-tuned instruments
- Half tap the pulse and half clap the rhythm while chanting
- Half tap the pulse and half clap the rhythm while thinking the words
- Chant and clap a short rhythmic ostinato (short repeated rhythm pattern)
- 3 groups – one tap the pulse, one clap the rhythm and one tap a rhythmic ostinato while chanting
- 3 groups – one tap the pulse, one clap the rhythm and one tap a rhythmic ostinato while thinking the words
- Tap the pulse on one knee and the rhythm on the other
- Chant and walk the pulse
- Chant and walk the rhythm
- Walk the pulse and clap the rhythm
- Walk the rhythm and clap the pulse!
In these particular activities, the children would be learning to use their voices to chant rhythmically, they would be learning or consolidating the pulse, the rhythm, (specific rhythm names potentially) what an ostinato is, playing in parts, listening to themselves and each other and to coordinate their movements (easier said than done as this can be a little like brain gym!)
Now imagine you know TWO chants – you immediately have 30 activities to do – see?
There is no doubt that a simple chant to a music teacher really is the magical learning tool that just keeps on giving!
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